The Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute has prepared a project for the development of genomic editing technology, which will allow growing dairy cattle that are resistant to leukemia. Funds from the federal budget will be allocated for its implementation.
The project became one of the winners of the contest of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia within the framework of the federal program 'Research and Development in Priority Directions for the Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia'. It is planned to allocate 150M RUR ($ 2.24M) from the federal budget for its implementation. Also, the project will involve an industrial partner, Mikhailovskoe LLC. It will provide 30M RUR ($ 0.45M) of its extrabudgetary funds.
The project involves the creation of technology for the accelerated reproduction of highly valuable pedigree dairy cattle that is resistant to leukemia virus, as well as methods for genotyping DNA of cattle embryos. As a result, it will be possible to obtain a breeding herd with high breeding value, obtained from surrogate animals.