Omsk universities implement a joint educational project to introduce new learning standards. Omsk State Agrarian University (Omsky Biocluster member), Omsk State Technical University and Omsk State University have developed a network project of educational intensive for Omsk students on a digital platform.
A new digital project will be held in Omsk universities from March to June 2019. Students will get acquainted with the best modern educational practices, programs from leading universities and projects for large Russian and Omsk companies.
Three Omsk universities have already begun to introduce new learning standards. The peculiarity of this intensity is the introduction of the '20.35' national technology initiative (NTI 20.35) into the training process. Working at NTI 20.35 requires possession of the best practices in the world, a willingness to learn the best practices, and an independent assessment of the result of activities. The digital platform with an ever-expanding list of educational opportunities and four advisory services provides students with complete immersion in the realities of the future markets and building their ability to navigate them: launching new projects based on breakthrough technologies, employment in promising companies, etc.
NTI 20.35 concentrates on new global markets that will form in 15–20 years. According to forecasts, most markets will have a network nature (inherit the approaches that exist on the Internet, or use the network infrastructure) and at the same time focus on the end user.