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US farmers as victims of a trade war

The possible aggravation of the situation in trade between the US and China and the adoption of the Chinese response may cause agriculture to be among the most affected sectors in America. The income of American farmers can fall by 15%, and the number of jobs will be reduced by 180 thousand or even slightly more.


A significant part of the US agricultural production is exported, and in a number of positions, China is the world's largest buyer of agricultural products. Last year, the US exported 53 million tons of soybeans, of which almost 33 million tons were exported to China. A year earlier, in 2016, approximately 61% of American soybean was sold to China ($ 14 billion). So, soybean has become the most valuable export commodity for American farmers.


Source: kvedomosti.ru.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 8 May 2018