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Machine builders want to return grain export

The Rosspetsmash Association sent a letter to the head of the Russian government Mikhail Mishustin with proposals to support manufacturers of specialized equipment. Russian machine builders asked the government to lift restrictions on grain exports, the export of which is prohibited from May 1 to July 1, as exporters chose a quota for this agricultural year.


In particular, the letter proposes to consider the possibility of removing the grain export restriction established by Decree No. 385. The objectives of lifting the restrictions are to maintain a stable situation on the domestic grain market and the balanced development of agricultural engineering. Rosspetsmash also believes that the restriction on grain exports leads to a decrease in grain prices on the domestic market of the Russian Federation and to a decrease in the effective demand for agricultural machinery from agricultural producers, while the wholesale price of grain does not affect the final cost of bakery products.


The Omsky Biocluster Press Secretary Ravshana Balloyeva:

"The lifting of the ban will certainly contribute to higher prices for grain, and, as a result, for feed, livestock and poultry products. Obviously, the current low purchasing power will lead to the opposite effect - a reduction in the consumption of meat products and a blow to meat producers and processors. Let's not forget: these are jobs and taxes."


Based on agroxxi.ru.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 8 May 2020