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Russian exports are growing in agricultural products

At the end of eight months of 2020, exports of agricultural products increased by 13% compared to the same period last year. Supplies of almost all foodstuffs increased, with the exception of fish and seafood. The largest increase in exports was in meat and dairy products (+ 63%).


Sergey Yushin, the head of the executive committee National Meat Association:

"In 2020, Russia strengthened its status as a net exporter of poultry and pork. The gap between meat imports and supplies to the international market is rapidly closing, and now there is every reason to set ambitious goals for the near future".

According to Yushin, the supply of meat to the markets of third countries will prevail over imports already in 2021.


The fat-and-oil industry showed a significant growth in exports (plus 26% over the same period last year). Also, supplies of oilseeds abroad grew: sunflower almost tripled, soybeans almost doubled. Food and processing industry products demonstrated impressive growth (plus 21%). And the supply of sugar products increased almost threefold.


Source: meatbranch.com.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 9 September 2020