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Soyuzkrakhmal starts a series of refresher courses

Roskrakhmalpatoka Association changes its name and expands the scope of its activities. The industry of deep grain processing is actively developing in Russia, which includes the production of starch, syrups, molasses and other starch products. The interests of this industry will be represented by the Soyuzkrakhmal Association of Advanced Grain Processing Enterprises.


The Soyuzkrakhmal Association together with the All-Russian Research Institute of Starch Products for the first time starts a series of advanced training seminars. We invite all interested specialists in the industry of deep processing of agricultural raw materials. This is a unique course for the industry, where researchers and practitioners of the starch industry and the market for deep processing of plant raw materials will speak at one site. The course will take place over three days from 24 to 26 November from 17 to 19 hours.


This course will be helpful:

  • Managers can quickly and easily understand the peculiarities of technological processes in production.
  • Technologists, heads of laboratories - to refresh their memory of the theoretical base, learn about the technologies used by other companies in the industry, and meet colleagues.
  • Young specialists need to acquire the practical knowledge necessary to work in production, in a short time to acquire the necessary theoretical information for direct work.
  • Managers and other specialists in purchasing, quality, sales - to acquire knowledge for competent communication with industry clients: from transport companies to business owners.


Soyuzkrakhmal Association will be glad to see everyone interested at the event.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 10 November 2020