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Doshirak overtakes Rollton in terms of revenue growth in Russia

In 2019, the revenue growth rate of Doshirak was almost three times higher than that of Rollton, it follows from the data of the SPARK-Interfax system. Last year, Doshirak Rus LLC received revenue of RUR 11.5 billion ($ 162.33 million), which is 13.9% more than in 2018. Growth rates accelerated from 12.6% a year earlier.


At the same time, Rollton’s producer Mareven Food Central increased revenue by 4.8% to RUR 15.2 billion ($ 214.56 million). In 2018, it decreased by 9%. The gap in the revenue of the companies amounted to RUR 3.7 billion ($ 52.23 million) against RUR 4.4 billion ($ 62.11 million) in 2018 and RUR 9 billion ($ 127.04 million) in 2015.


Doshirak Rus last year received RUR 1.785 billion ($ 25.2 million) of profit from sales, net profit amounted to RUR 1.94 billion ($ 27.38 million), in 2018 these figures were at the level of RUR 1.575 billion ($ 22.23 million) and RUR 1.359 billion ($ 19.18 million), respectively.


Mareven Food Central in 2019 increased sales profit to RUR 1.752 billion ($ 24.73 million) from RUR 1.416 billion in 2018. Net income rose to RUR 1.516 billion from RUR 311.3 million ($ 19.99 million) a year earlier.


Source: sfera.fm.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 10 July 2020