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OmSAU Agribusiness College is included in the TOP 500!

The main information center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation conducted a monitoring of the quality of training in 2018 among educational institutions. As a result, the University College of Agribusiness of the Omsk State Agrarian University (member of Omsky Biocluster), which provides training in the system of vocational secondary education, entered the TOP-500 in the Russian Federation (from 4676 organizations) and in the TOP-10 in the Omsk region (from 61 organizations).

Formation of the rating takes into account the quality of training, the achievements of students in competitions and professional skills and employment of graduates. The University  Agribusiness College enrolls 859 students of secondary vocational education (1.70% of the contingent on the subject of the Russian Federation), including 537 full-time students. Of these, 70.9% due to budget allocations.
  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 10 December 2018