During the 10 months of the 2017-2018 MY, Russian soybean meal supplies to foreign markets reached 317.8K tons (+ 19.5% against the same period of last season), in June exports of soybean meal from Russia remained at the May level (40.8K tons, + 20.7% compared to June of last year), Sfera Publishing House reports.
The export geography of soybean meal is stable. The European Union (79% of total exports), Norway and Uzbekistan (9% and 7% respectively) remain among the top importers. The volume of supplies to Europe increased, to other countries - decreased. In this season, the purchase of soybean meal of the Russian Federation was reduced to a minimum, importing for 10 months only 27K tons (earlier - 0.4-0.5M tons).
At the same time, Russian producers of mixed fodder are more worried about the fact that China plans to partially replace the supply of soybeans from the United States with Russian raw materials from the Far East, which threatens a shortage of raw materials to Russian plants, and may provoke a rise in the price of soybean meal.