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Russia proposed to temporarily restrict grain exports

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia proposes to introduce a grain export quota in the amount of 15 million tons for the period from February 15 to June 30, 2021. The corresponding draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers has been published on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts.


It is assumed that the quota can be introduced on the export of wheat, meslin, barley, rye and corn to countries outside the Eurasian Economic Union, in a total volume of 15 million tons. An exception will be made for cereal seeds. The restriction is needed to ensure the domestic needs and food security of the country. In the opinion of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, such a measure will also limit the growth of domestic prices for grain, which may lead to an increase in prices for bread, cereals and other products. Russia at the end of April completely suspended grain exports outside the EAEU until July 1, 2020. The quota for grain exports from Russia of 7 million tons, set on April 1 in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, was completely selected by this time.


Source: kvedomosti.ru.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 12 November 2020