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Omsk: new methods of the seed stock checking

The Department of Seed Production and Plant Protection of the Omsk Reference Center of the Rosselkhoznadzor (Omsky Biocluster member) began providing laboratory analysis of varietal qualities by electrophoresis.


Appropriate equipment for analysis was purchased at the test laboratory of seed and planting material of the Department, and a laboratory specialist was trained in electrophoresis in Krasnoyarsk. Currently, the laboratory is developing a methodology for conducting these studies.


Meanwhile, quarantine weed seeds were found in Omsk in bags with salad seeds. The Laboratory of Quarantine Phytosanitary Examinations of the Omsk reference center of the Rosselkhoznadzor as a result of herbology examinations identified a quarantine harmful weed (dodder). It was found in bags of seed of Russian origin. The species of dodder includes the most dangerous for cultivated plants flowering parasitic plants, combining great vitality with high fecundity. Information about the results of the examinations of this sample by specialists was sent to the Rosselkhoznadzor (Omsk Branch).

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 13 December 2019