1, Institutskaya Square, Omsk, Russia, 644008 Show on the map

Tomsk region is the leader of agricultural production in Russia

The index of production of agricultural products in farms of all categories in Tomsk region at the end of 2017 amounted to 114.8% - this is the best result among the Russian regions.


This indicator on average in Russia in 2017 was 102.4%, in Siberia - 101.9%. The second and third place among the Russian regions for the index of agricultural production after Tomsk region, according to Rosstat, is occupied by Tambov region (114.1%) and the Primorsky Territory (113.8%). Novosibirsk (107.4%) and Omsk (103.9%) regions are, respectively, the second and third places after Tomsk region in the Siberian Federal District.


"We proved together with Tomsk agrarians that agriculture, even in difficult Siberian conditions, can, and therefore should be, profitable," the regional governor Sergei Zhvachkin commented the leadership of Tomsk region in the rating. "Last year, we reached a historic record in the cereals yield, have already begun to export peas and canola, stabilized the number of cattle, consolidated the leadership in Siberia in milk production, built new farms and reconstructed the existing ones. Of course, the secret of success lies in the support of the state, the interaction of farms with our scientific and educational companies, but the main secret is in people who achieved such results primarily with their labor and talent. This spring, the weather does not please Tomsk agrarians, the region is in the emergency situation. But there is a margin of safety for the rural residents, and we will not leave our people alone with problems."


Note that Tomsk region is one of the Russian regions in the territory of which the Interregional Center for Agro Industry Engineering operates, established in 2017. Now Center is a professional platform for experts from Moscow City, Lipetsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk and Tomsk regions. Center provides for cooperation in the provision of engineering consulting, pre-project and project services, development of human resources in the agroindustry, increasing the investment attractiveness of the agroindustry, forming a resource database, including technologies, laboratory equipment, personnel, implementation of expert activities in the agroindustry. Omsky Biocluster is one of the co-founders of the Center.


Based on the materials of agroconsul.tomsk.ru.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 15 June 2018