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Russians switched from cabbage and potatoes to tomatoes and cucumbers

Last years, there has been a change in the priorities of Russian demand for food: people pay special attention to factors such as usefulness, nutrition and, especially, product safety. This was announced at a plenary meeting in the Russian State Duma by the President of the Association 'Greenhouses of Russia' Alexei Sitnikov.


According to him, as a result, now the need of the Russian population for greenhouse vegetables is more than 2.2 million tons (at a rate of 15 kg per person per year).


"Recently, people are increasingly taking care of their health, which leads to an increase in the consumption of vegetable products. Consumers have begun to actively switch from buying cabbage and potatoes, to lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. The demand for organic products has increased significantly. Moreover, this trend is including the introduction of legislative regulation in this area with the adoption of the Federal Statute on Organic Products in 2018. I believe that in the coming years organic products will become even more popular among Russians," Sitnikov said.


He said that the period from 2014 to 2018 was marked by serious investments in greenhouse vegetable growing, more than 830 hectares of greenhouses were built and put into operation, and more than 300 hectares are still under construction in 2019. Over the past five years, the production of greenhouse vegetables in the agricultural organizations of the Russian Federation has doubled from 615,000 tons to 1.1 million tons in 2018. By 2024, it is planned to reach an indicator of 1.5 million tons of vegetables per year.  


Source: apk-news.ru.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 16 April 2019