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17 violations of product quality revealed in the first quarter of 2017

For the 1st quarter of 2017, the Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Products of Animal and Plant Origin, Feeds and Environmental Facilities of Omsk Reference Center of Rosselkhoznadzor received 303 tests.


Head of the laboratory Anna Kostyshyna:

"In the first quarter of this year, our specialists conducted 2135 tests, which revealed 17 inconsistencies in regulatory documentation."


The test of a sample of chicken half-finished products for phosphate content revealed a discrepancy with the rules. Two samples of hay did not comply with the normative documentation on the protein content, sunflower seeds - in terms of cadmium content, three samples of wheat - in terms of "nature", grain impurity content and mass fraction of raw gluten. Two samples of butter cream did not meet the requirements of the normative documentation for fatty acid composition, the sample of cheese - by the content of sterols, the sample of sugar does not comply with the rules for organoleptic indicators. The active substance was absent in the fungicide sample. The increased content of T-2 toxin was found in two samples of corn fodder. The content of weed admixture in oil flax exceeded the established normative values.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 3 April 2017