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OmSAU has raised the European quality rating

According to the data of the European Scientific-Industrial Chamber for compliance with EU standards for High Educational Instituitions, Omsk State Agrarian University (Omsky Biocluster member) took 125th place in the Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard (ARES), having risen by 1 position over the year.


The Ranking of High Educational Instituitions- European Standards-ARES assesses the ability of universities to provide students with the necessary knowledge, to participate in research activities, as well as the degree of interaction with future employers. The rating is processed automatically, completely excluding the human factor. As a result, the university is assigned one of the categories:

Category A (AAA, AA +, AA, A +, A): High quality performance;

Category B (BBB +, BBB, BB +, BB, B +, B): Good quality performance;

Category C (CCC +, CCC, CC +, CC, C +, C): Sufficient quality performance;

Category D (DDD +, DDD, DD +, DD, D +, D): Conditional failure.


OmSAU was awarded the BB + category (in 2017-2019 - category B). It should be noted that the rating included only 32 agricultural universities of the country, of which the Omsk State Agrarian University is in 2nd place. In total, the ranking includes 7 Omsk universities. Above the agrarian university are Omsk State University - 75th place (BBB + category), Omsk State Technical University - 77th place (BBB + category), Omsk State Medical University - 88th place (BBB + category).

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 17 July 2020