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Russian sweets conquer China

Imports of Russian sweets in northeastern China reached a historic record. In just the first five months of this year, Russia exported 10,000 tons of sweets, according to the Sohu information portal (referring to the press service of the customs office of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region).


According to Chinese customs, from January to May, 10,000 tons of Russian sweets were imported to the north-east of the country for a total of $ 26.21 million, which is 38% more than in the same period last year. This is an absolute record for Russian-Chinese trade, which has recently recorded an unprecedented increase in sales.


Due to the excitement among Chinese tourists, Russian sweets are popular among other Asian countries. Candies are highly valued for their 'delicate and sweet taste', as well as for 'colorful variety'. A representative of a company importing Russian candies noted that currently sweets from Russia are sold in Jilin, Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and smaller provinces and cities. According to him, in the future, the geography of sales of Russian sweets in Asia will be significantly expanded.


Source: sweetinfo.ru.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 18 June 2019