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Russia has a milk shortage

Russia can not yet ensure the substitution of imports in the dairy industry. The fall in imports in 2013 - 2016 was not compensated by the growth in milk production.


Such a conclusion can be drawn from the answer of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia to the request of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Communist Party Valery Rashkin.


Last year, milk production remained at the level of 2015 - 30.7 million tons. At the same time, the share of domestic products is only 80%, with the minimum required, according to the Doctrine of Food Security, 90%. The need for imports is due to the long payback of costs in dairy farming. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, full replacement of imports will take at least 9 - 10 years.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 19 January 2018