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Russia has increased the export of cheese and cottage cheese

In the first half of 2020, the export of Russian cheeses and cottage cheese increased by 12% compared to the same period last year. In total, Russia has exported over 13,000 tons of this type of product to a total of $ 43 million.


According to the Federal Center for the Development of Export of Agricultural Products of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the key segments in the structure of export sales are young cheeses (unripe or unripe, as well as cottage cheese), the shipments of which increased by 11% to $ 19 million, as well as processed cheeses, the export of which increased to $ 15 million (+ 10%). Supplies of other cheeses abroad amounted to $ 9 million (+ 18%).


The main importers of Russian cheese and cottage cheese are the neighboring countries, about half of the total sales volume falls on Kazakhstan, which increased purchases by 16% to $ 21 million. For the first time this year, China entered the top ten largest buyers, where Russian cheeses worth $ 368,000 were sent , which is four times the volume for the entire 2019.


In total, 21 countries were included in the list of importing countries of these products in the first half of this year.


Source: agroxxi.ru.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 19 September 2020