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Large ASF foci were identified in Samara region

The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor, Samara Branch) proposed to recognize the sausage shop of Krasny Klyuch LLC as an infected object due to the fact that meat with African swine fever (ASF) virus got into the sausage and dumplings.


"In early July, three large outbreaks were recorded in two different villages in the Sergievsky district of Samara region. During the investigation, it turned out that 120 kg of meat and 20 kg of pork offal from one farm had previously been delivered to the Krasny Klyuch sausage shop in the Isaklinsky district. The examination showed the ASF presence in the sausage and dumplings," Rosselkhoznadzor said. Farms in villages in Sergievsky district were not fenced, pigs could freely go out and interact with other animals. At the moment, the question of introducing ASF quarantine on the territory of the villages is being studied.


The Rosselkhoznadzor explained that Krasny Klyuch "must be recognized as an infected object, all products must be seized and disposed of. He added that the shop employee, not knowing about the contamination of the products, took the waste home and fed her pigs. As a result, the animals also fell ill with ASF. A total of 250 pigs were destroyed, and more than 200 are planned to be destroyed. In total, from April to the end of June 2020, 17 tons of pork arrived at the sausage shop, including from a farm with pigs infected with ASF. A separate investigation is being conducted in relation to a local resident from the village of Borovka, Sergievsky district of the region, who hid the death of five pigs with ASF. After the animals died, the man buried them in the forest.


Source: meatinfo.ru.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 20 July 2020