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Oriental fruit moth came to Omsk with fruit

Specialists of the Laboratory for Quarantine Phytosanitary Examinations and Surveys of the Omsk Reference Center of the Rosselkhoznadzor (Omsky Biocluster member) found a prohibited pest in five batches of fruit.


As a result of entomological studies of samples from four different batches of peaches and a batch of nectarines, the Omsk Reference Center identified a quarantine object - Eastern moth (which is a quarantine object for Russia). The Eastern moth is a dangerous pest that damages the fruits and shoots of almost all fruit crops.


Damage to young shoots leads to a reduction in the growth of green mass, which also negatively affects the yield. In addition, the shoots in which the caterpillars have settled dry up.


Information about the results of the examinations was sent to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Omsk Branch).

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 21 July 2020