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Omsk region plans in 2018 to harvest at least 3m tons grains

Omsk region plans to harvest at least 3m tons of grain this year, despite a prolonged sowing campaign due to the anomalously cold and wet spring, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Omsk region reported.


The area of farmland in Omsk region is more than 3m HA, of which about 2m HA are allocated for grain. In 2017, the region harvested nearly 3.5m tonnes of grain, of which more than 70% was food. According to data for the second decade of June, farmers of the region sowed 97% of the area. At the same time, the structure of sown areas was revised: in places where sowing time was not sufficient, crops and varieties were replaced with other crops and varieties with a shorter vegetation period. Regional authorities expect this year to harvest at least 3m tons of grain.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 24 June 2018