The annual rating of agricultural universities, the founder of which is the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, is published. Omsk State Agrarian University (Omsky Biocluster member) took ninth place in it.
The Ministry of Agriculture experts evaluated 54 subordinate universities by more than 40 criteria, which are grouped into six main areas: educational, research, international, financial and economic activities, industry and additional indicators. According to the results of the rating, universities were divided into three groups: leading (from 1 to 11 places), basic (12-43) and universities of human resources development in rural areas (44-54).
Omsk State Agrarian University took the ninth place in the rating and belongs to the first group - leaders in the implementation of relevant educational programs and scientific developments for the prospective technological update of the agricultural industry, providing methodological support for the modernization of the content of education in the agricultural sciences. Universities of this category are defined as centers of postgraduate education with a significant share of master's and postgraduate studies in the structure of educational programs.