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The number of cattle in Russia is growing

As of October 1, the number of cattle in Russia was estimated at 18.9 million heads, which is 0.6% higher than the figure for the same date a year earlier. This was reported by Rosstat. At the same time, the number of cows by the beginning of the reporting month increased by 0.3% - up to 8 million heads, pigs - by 4.4%, up to 26.8 million heads. At the same time, the number of sheep and goats decreased by 1.1% to 23.8 million.


The structure of the livestock by October 1 is as follows: private farms own 40.7% of the cattle, 10.1% - pigs, 45.6% - sheep and goats. On the same date in 2019, these indicators were 41.4%, 10.9% and 45.9%, respectively.


It is also noted that in the first 9 months of 2020, farms of all categories, according to calculations, produced 10.9 million tons of livestock and poultry for slaughter (in live weight), which is 4% higher than in January-September 2019. Moreover, during this period, an increase in milk production was also recorded - by 2.7%, to 24.9 million tons and eggs - by 0.6%, to 34.2 billion pieces.


Source: apk-inform.com.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 27 October 2020