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The turkey went up

As of March 26, the general level of prices for turkey meat of domestic production increased by 1.9%, and compared to the level of the monthly statute, it became higher by 1.0%. Prices for cutting have strengthened by 3.0%, and for the month grew by 2.1%. The price of fillet of breast has appreciably increased, which for the week has risen in price by 15.1% to 270.3 rubles / kg ($4.68). Prices for imported turkey meat decreased by 0.6%, and for the month they became lower by 0.3%.


Domestic prices for chicken meat in the thirteenth week of 2018 increased by an average of 0.5%, and compared to the previous month, they increased by 0.8%. Cutting has fallen in price by 0,1%, and offal have grown in price by 0,4% for a week. The price of the carcass of the broiler chicken did not change much and remained practically at the same level - 94.7 rubles / kg ($1.64), while soup chickens went up by 6.5% to 63.9 rubles / kg ($1.11).


Source: kvedomosti.ru.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 29 March 2018