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Ecology is in the focus of the Omsky Biocluster attention

On August 27, Omsk hosted a strategic environmental session "Implementation by Industrial Enterprises of the Best Available Practices and Technologies for the Reduce the Environment Burden." The organizers of the event were the Committee for the Chemical Industry of "Business Russia" and the Omsk regional branch of the "Russian Environment Movement". Omsky Biocluster became one of the strategic partners of the session.


The discussion was attended by representatives of industrial enterprises and science, heads of the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Industry of the Omsk region, ecologists, members of regional and federal industry business associations. During the event, the participants discussed environmental problems associated with sources of air pollution, as well as ways to solve them.


Mikhail Sutyaginsky, Chairman of the Chemical Industry Committee of Business Russia, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. He noted that the state of the air and the environment is the subject of mutual responsibility of the authorities, business and society.


Regarding the work of the Committee for the chemical industry of Business Russia, the priority area is not only the greening of industrial enterprises, but also the creation of an efficient mechanism for collaboration between business and government on environmental protection, as well as reducing the burden on the environment. First of all, this approach concerns the creation and use of new technologies and techniques to improve the efficiency of environmental monitoring. "Our meeting today in Omsk is not accidental. It is a huge industrial center, where there are many industries that affect the environment. Here environmental problems have become part of the information agenda, but it is Omsk that can become not only an example of problems that are mostly aggravated, but also an example of solving these problems," Mikhail Sutyaginsky is convinced.


Based on the results of the strategic session, the organizers developed a resolution with recommendations to improve the effectiveness of monitoring the ecological well-being of the region. The experts proposed to amend the regulatory legal acts concerning the monitoring of emissions of harmful substances, as well as to update the base of the best available technologies that reduce the burden on the environment for industrial enterprises.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 31 August 2020