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Attention - substandard feed!

According to the laboratory for the analysis of fodder of Federal State Budgetary Institution Agrochemical Service Center Omsky (member of Omsky Biocluster), in the first quarter of 2017, more than 50% of the oilcake samples did not meet the requirements of the normative documents for the content of raw protein, crude fiber, raw fat.


Vladimir Krasnitsky, Director of Agrochemical Service Center Omsky FSBI:

“In the first quarter of this year, we identified a large amount of substandard cake in the region, which is used by our farmers and agricultural enterprises for their own preparation of mixed fodders. We draw the attention of specialists to the necessity of compulsory examination of feed additives used for balancing rations of feeding of farm animals with missing food elements (preferably before their purchase) - in case of self-preparation of mixed fodder. We advise you to require the appropriate quality certificates when purchasing the cake! An alternative option is to purchase mixed fodder from large producers, where a through-control system is established and substandard raw materials simply do not get into the production process. I note that the products of the participants of Omsky Biocluster are checked very strictly.”


Comment of the Head of Omsky Biocluster's Genetics and Breeding of Cattle Practice Anatoly Shulakov:

“The quality of feeds is indeed one of the most urgent problems of animal husbandry. Animals that have a high genetic potential for productivity, capable of producing many high-quality products have been created in many farms in Omsk region as a result of long-term, purposeful breeding work. But in order for this opportunity to be realized, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions, to ensure the needs of animals in all nutrients for the maintenance of life, health and production. Therefore, it is necessary to control the quality of feed both from the point of view of the level of productivity and the economy of the enterprise!”


  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 7 April 2017