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Average meat consumption in 2017 will exceed 75 kg

Consumption of meat in 2017 will be an average of 75.2 kg / person, that is, it will return to the level of 2013. This forecast was voiced by the Director General of the National Union of Pig breeders (NSS) Yuri Kovalev.


"The last five years have become important, consumption in 2013 for the first time reached the pre-reform level," Kovalev said. For comparison, the average meat consumption in the country in 2000 was only 41.5 kg / person. Last year, this figure was at the level of 73 kg / person. Pork is the driver of growth. According to the NSS, this year its consumption can reach 25.8 kg per person, which is 1.1 kg more than in 2016. The past 17 years have demonstrated more than twofold growth. "Pork consumption has grown at a gigantic pace, a further increase, probably, will not exceed 1% per year, force majeure can lead to a decline," Kovalev said. According to the NSS, the average pork consumption in 2013 reached 26.6 kg. The next two years, amid the worsening macroeconomic situation in the country and the fall in real incomes, the demand for meat has been reduced. Consumption (including pork) fell to 23.2-23.4 kg.


Now consumption is not reduced due to a decrease in prices for pork. Nevertheless, the main segment in the structure of meat consumption this year will still be a bird - 33.7 kg per person, which is 1.2 kg more than in 2016. Demand for beef as the most expensive type of meat will continue to fall, this year its consumption will be 13.6 kg per person - 100 g less than a year ago, compared to 2013, the reduction will be almost 3 kg.


Source: agroxxi.ru.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 17 July 2017