1, Institutskaya Square, Omsk, Russia, 644008 Show on the map

Business forum Industrial Clusters: Driver of Regional Development

 Сlusters of Omsk region, as well as existing instruments of state support, were discussed at the forum's discussion site on April 19-20, 2017. The event was attended by Governor of Omsk region Viktor Nazarov, heads of regional ministries of economy and agriculture, members of the general council of the All-Russian Public Organization Business Russia, as well as representatives of financial institutions, development institutions, business community.


The head of the region in his welcoming speech noted that Forum participants got acquainted with the basic enterprises of the clusters (we recall that the delegation visited the confectionary factory Sladonezh JSC and at the enterprises of Titan Group) the day before. "There are many directions and forms of support for the development of clusters, but today some of them need to be transformed into systematic measures, these measures should be clearly thought out and understandable to business, then business will be invested in cluster production." The forum should be the starting point that would work A system for supporting the development of clusters," Viktor Nazarov said.


Aleksey Repik, President of Business Russia, noted the great efforts in the development of Forum moderator Mikhail Sutyaginsky, a member of the General Council of Business Russia, chairman of the Committee on Chemistry and New Materials. "I was especially pleased to go here, knowing how much strength and energy the representative of Business Russia has applied to Omsk region to develop."


In his report, Mikhail Sutyaginsky noted that the company is working to create clusters in the region since 2010. "Omsk clusters became the first behind the Urals, which received the official status of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation," he said. Mikhail Sutyaginsky cited Polyom as an example of successful implementation of cluster projects. The enterprise provided the region with 400 jobs with decent pay, and as of today has paid more than 3 billion rubles of taxes to the budgets and extra-budgetary funds.


As a result of Forum, the draft resolution includes proposals on changing state support measures that will help investment cluster projects to reach the payback level faster and, as a result, provide the state treasury with additional revenues.


Source: Titan Group Press Service .


  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 21 April 2017