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Council of Omsk CCI considered issues of financial support for business

April 11, 2017 the meeting of the Council of Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry was held. The meeting was attended by Minister of Industry, Transport and Innovative Technologies of Omsk region Viktor Belov, Minister of Agriculture and Food of Omsk region Maksim Chekusov, Minister of Economy of Omsk region Oksana Fadina, representatives of federal agencies.


The participants of the meeting considered issues of implementation in Omsk region of state programs of preferential crediting and financing (Industrial Development Fund; Federal Corporation of Small and Medium Enterprises) programs for enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. A dialogue was held on the prospects for the development of entrepreneurial activities in the region and mechanisms to increase the investment attractiveness of Omsk region, including the implementation of cluster policy. At the meeting, cooperation agreements were signed between Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry with Association for the Development of the Petrochemical Complex of Omsk region and Association of Timber Industry Cluster of Omsk region.


The president of Omsk CCI Tatyana Khoroshavina:

"We have a good tradition. The platform of Omsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a place of informal communication between government and the business community. Practice shows that legislative norms are effective if businessmen and specialized experts took part in the discussion and development of legal acts. Today we discussed, among other things, the implementation of cluster policy in the region. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia has a serious resource for building business communications of Omsk clusters, the products of Omsk enterprises are in great demand on the domestic and foreign markets, this is confirmed by business missions organized by Omsk CCI both in Russia's regions and abroad. Therefore, Omsk business community looks forward with optimism. We are waiting for a lot of work!"


Heads of the Ministries and representatives of the business community agreed to continue close cooperation.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 12 April 2017