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Interregional meeting on the development of cattle breeding

March 28, 2017, the head of Omsky Biocluster's Genetics and Breeding of Cattle Practice, director general of SIBAGROCOMPLEX Group Anatoly Shulakov took part in the interregional meeting Development of cattle breeding in the framework of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Markets for 2013-2020.


Heads and chief specialists of the administrative bodies of the agro-industrial complex of municipal districts, scientists, heads and chief specialists of agricultural organizations and farms of Omsk region, as well as representatives from Novosibirsk and Tyumen regions, Altay, Moscow and St. Petersburg discussed the functioning of the cattle breeding in Omsk region.


Anatoly Shulakov spoke at the section Selection and Breeding Work in Dairy Cattle with a report on the importance of selecting bulls-producers in breeding work with the herd. The report aroused great interest and active discussion with the participation of representatives of the tribal work of Omsk, Federal State-Funded Institution of Science All-Russian Research Institute of Breeding, Russian Academy of Management in Livestock and other forum participants.


Anatoly Shulakov:

"No one should be considered the ultimate truth. Only the discussion will allow you to hear a range of opinions, look at the question from a different angle, understand the scale of the problem, and see the vector of its solution. We propose a differentiated approach to breeding work in enterprises of various levels - tribal and commodity.  Tribal factories and reproducers, first of all, have the problem of inbreeding, haplotypes, individual selection. Commodity farms solve the problem of obtaining healthy early ripening highly productive animals that are most effective from the economic point of view. And the result should be the achievement of indicators planned for the industry by the government."


  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 1 April 2017