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Titan-Agro LLC held an open biology lesson at the school

The leaders of the Petrovsky Pig-breeding Complex Titan-Agro LLC (member of Omsky Biocluster) conducted an open biology lesson at the Petrovskaya Secondary School No. 1 of Omsk Municipal District. The event was held within the framework of the signed agreement with the educational institution on the sponsorship and timed to the Year of Animal Husbandry in the region.

The director of the Petrovsky Pig-breeding Complex, Dmitry Shcherbakov, and the chief veterinarian of the enterprise, Sergey Kulishkin, told the children about the trends in livestock development in the country and the region, as well as the peculiarities of the operation of Petrovsky Pig-breeding Complex Titan-Agro LLC. Schoolchildren learned that an adult animal grows almost 1 kg. per day, a record of the birth rate of steel 22 pigs from one sow. In order to maintain the health of pigs, workers strictly monitor the temperature regime and the level of humidity in the premises. The children were surprised to learn that both piglets and adults have their toys that distract the attention of pigs. Toys are needed so that bored animals do not bite their tails from each other.


Of course, the conversation about the professions was of the greatest importance. Representatives of the company explained that to work on a modern pig complex, we need not only extensive knowledge in zootechnics and veterinary science, but also diligence, responsibility, teamwork and initiative. Teenagers were interested in questions about the prospects for employment in Titan-Agro and the conditions of work in the company. A professional orientation film about Petrovsky Pig-breeding Complex Titan-Agro LLC was shown to children at the end of the lesson.


"Today, a very important and relevant topic was raised, especially in the Year of Animal Husbandry, and it was interesting for all of us to get information from practitioners," said Lyubov Rubtsova, director of the school. "It is also useful for senior children to learn about employment prospects: the pig complex is located in our village and, of course, many would like to find a worthy and interesting job near the home".


In 2017, open lessons and excursions for learners of Petrovskaya school No. 1 will be held at the industrial sites of Titan Group, also joint vocational guidance activities. The agreement on sponsorship between Titan-Agro LLC and Petrovskaya School No. 1 was signed on December 14, 2016. Titan Group supports the school almost the entire period of the pig-breeding complex's work by providing sponsorship and charitable assistance in corporate and social events and projects involving children. Earlier, the Governor of Omsk region, Viktor Nazarov, in the course of his budget address to the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region, declared 2017 the Year of Animal Husbandry.



Photo: Press Service of Titan Group.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 15 March 2017