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The Ministry of Agriculture introduces electronic veterinary certification

May 2, 2017 Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Russia Evgeny Nepoklonov held a conference call with the regions of the Volga and Ural Federal Districts to discuss the pace of implementation of the system of electronic veterinary certification, the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation said.


Evgeny Nepoklonov noted the importance of ensuring the introduction of electronic veterinary certification for all participants in the process - producers of livestock products, processors and trade networks. As of May 2, 2017, 63,742 electronic veterinary accompanying documents were issued in the Omsk region, the leaders are the Chelyabinsk Region (870,235), the Republic of Tatarstan (294,592), the Krasnodar Territory (284,699) and the Novosibirsk Region (252,515). Omsk Regional Center for the Prevention, Examination and Treatment of Animals BI is preparing electronic veterinary accompanying documents through the API interface in Omsk region.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 4 May 2017