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Mixed feed Titan-Agro LLC is sold in 25 districts of Omsk region

Since the beginning of 2017 Pushkinsky Feed Mill Titan-Agro LLC (included of Titan Group), began work on the expansion of the retail network.  



Director General of Titan-Agro LLC Roman Kuznetsov:

“Now 80% of districts of Omsk region, including Bolsheukovsky, Znamensky, Muromtsevsky, Poltavsky, Russko-Polyansky, Tarsky, Tevrizsky and others - can order and buy high-quality feed for poultry, pigs, rabbits and young cousins, as well as cattle. Products are delivered to the specified areas on a weekly basis upon prior request. In total, more than 20 tons of mixed fodders of various types intended for retail sale have been delivered to these regions since the beginning of the year. At the same time, the most demanded are mixed fodders for laying hens and pigs for fattening, and the largest consumers in the first quarter were Okoneshnikovsky, Znamensky and Bolsherechensky districts. We forecast an increase in shipments in the spring."


To date, Pushkinsky Feed Mill Titan-Agro LLC (member of Omsky Biocluster) - the most modern and technological of enterprises of similar profile in Omsk region. The laboratory of the enterprise (for incoming raw materials and manufactured products) is equipped with a unique equipment for our region, which makes it possible to produce products of the highest quality. Last year the mixed feed produced by Titan-Agro LLC became the laureate of the federal stage of the contest of the program 100 Best Goods of Russia in the nomination Foodstuffs. Retail and wholesale buyers of mixed fodders from Titan-Agro LLC note in animals and birds good digestibility of feed, stable weight gain, and also improvement of health, including reproductive health.


Source: Press Service of Titan Group.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 4 April 2017