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Modern technology - the guarantee of the harvest

March 23 - 24, 2017, a seminar on the use of advanced technologies in engineering and land use was held at the production site of Omsk Experimental Plant FSUE (member of Omsky Biocluster) in cooperation with ARRS Group and with the participation of scientists from SibNIISKh FSBI.


March 23, 2017, Omsk Experimental Plant FSUE received a delegation of heads of district departments of agriculture of the municipal districts of Omsk region consisting of 25 people.  A film about the company and a presentation about the technique and technologies used at the plant in the manufacture of agricultural machinery and breeding equipment were presented. Then a tour of the plant was conducted with answers to all questions of interest to the participants, samples of finished equipment and equipment were shown.


The second day of the seminar was devoted to the theme: Modernized Tractors of the K-700 Series. Modern Technique and Technologies for Cultivating Agricultural Crops in the Conditions of Western Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan. The seminar was attended by more than 80 people: representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Omsk region, leaders and specialists of the regional departments of agriculture, joint-stock companies and farms in Omsk, Novosibirsk regions and Northern Kazakhstan. The participants of the meeting were presented with a presentation on the nomenclature and technologies for manufacturing cars at Omsk Experimental Plant and the conversion and manufacture of K-700 tractors of various modifications by ARRS Group.


Scientists of SibNIISKh FSBI told the participants of the seminar about the technologies of cultivation of grain and forage crops in the zones of Western Siberia, the use of fertilizers and plant protection products, new seeds of grain and forage crops. The seminar ended with an exchange of views and wishes to hold such events on a regular basis.


Dmitry Golovanov, Director of Omsk Experimental Plant FSUE:

"We conduct such events on a regular basis, and each time they are of great interest to specialists. Together with scientists and our colleagues - manufacturers of equipment, we provide up-to-date information on cultivation technologies, machines and equipment, seeds, fertilizers, etc. This time, farmers from Kazakhstan showed interest in our event, they attended a representative delegation."


  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 29 March 2017