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In support of the Agricultural complex in Omsk region added 1.7 billion rubles

Members of Omsk region government approved changes to the program of agricultural development for this year, adding the federation came to 1.7 billion rubles. The money will be spent on subsidies to agricultural enterprises and individual farms. Funding for the program of agricultural development in Omsk region for 2016 increased to 4.2 billion rubles, most of the money came from the federal budget - 2.6 billion rubles. 1.7 billion rubles of federal money contributed to the program at a meeting of the regional government on Wednesday, July 20. The development of plant planned 634 million rubles, livestock - 469 million rubles, dairy cattle - 303 million rubles. In support of small farms will add 154 million rubles for the development of social infrastructure, power - 86 million rubles, increasing the level of social and engineering arrangement of the village - 60 million rubles. "The money also will be spent on development of vegetable growing and seed potato breeding business," said Minister of Agriculture and Food of Omsk region Maksim Chekusov.

Governor of Omsk region Viktor Nazarov stressed the importance of monitoring provided subsidies to farmers. "There is a group of three persons - the financial control sector, which regularly check the correctness of the subsidies. Check selectively, completely 100 percent can not cover, since we only have 1400 grantees on an unrelated support plus about 20 thousand private farms," Chekusov explained.


Governor proposed to shift some powers to subsidize farmers and control the correctness of spending of budget funds to the district agriculture department. Chekusov added that the Ministry of Agriculture is working 65 people, and in the district offices of agriculture - 190. "They know their fellow villagers, let the control and give you a report. We must understand that subsidies are used by well-appointed," said Nazarov, adding that now there are facts, when recipients use unfair subsidies for other purposes.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 12 September 2016