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Omsk clusters discussed in Delovaya Rossiya

The meeting of Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia) Committee on the chemical industry, biotechnology and new materials devoted to the topic of creating and developing investment projects in the petrochemical industry and industrial biotechnologies in Omsk region was held in Moscow on March 16, 2017.

The event was held within the framework of preparation of the visit of the delegation of the public organization Delovaya Rossiya to Omsk region. The committee was attended by members of Delovaya Rossiya, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Titan Group Mikhail Sutyaginsky, as well as Director of Association of Clusters and Technoparks Andrey Shpilenko. Mikhail Sutyaginsky presented to the committee more than 30 investment projects worth more than 200 billion rubles, which can develop as part of the Petrochemical and Agrobiotechnological industrial clusters in Omsk region. They provide for increasing the capacities of existing production facilities, launching new products, including import substituting products, as well as creating the necessary production infrastructure.


"The chemical complex and industrial biotechnologies are industries in which the multiple increase in the value of products due to deep processing of products is achieved. Titan Group actively interacts with development institutions, such as Industrial Development Fund, Federal Center for Project Finance, Skolkovo Foundation, Agency for Technological Development, industry associations within the framework of those state support measures that exist. There are problems of interaction due to the lack of universal instruments. Therefore, Committee will propose the unification of measures and support instruments so that they work equally for all sectors of the economy," Mikhail Sutyaginsky told Committee members.


Director of Association of Clusters and Technoparks Andrey Shpilenko noted, the existing measures of state support for industrial clusters do not allow to fully realize the potential of oil and gas chemical clusters, this task can be solved by further stimulating strong projects that will ensure the return of state investments in the form of new jobs and taxes. All proposals of the meeting of Committee on the chemical industry, biotechnology and new materials will be reflected in the final resolution and sent to the relevant authorities. Committee of Delovaya Rossiya on the chemical industry, biotechnology and new materials was established in 2017.


The chairman of Сommittee is a member of General Council of Delovaya Rossiya, Mikhail Sutyaginsky. The meeting devoted to cluster projects in Omsk region was the first in the history of the committee.


Photo: Sergey Nevzorov (Delovaya Rossiya).

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 20 March 2017