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Omsk Experimental Plant: the results of the 'AgroOmsk-2017' Exhibition

Omsk Experimental Plant FSUE (member of Omsky Biocluster) summed up the results of participation in the Siberian Agrotechnical Exhibition 'AgroOmsk 2017'.


Omsk Experimental Plant presented samples of the newest products: a wide-grained cultivator "Stepnyak-12" with a working width of 12 meters for energy-saturated tractors; the "Sower-3600M" seeder of the original design, capable of producing quality seeds of small seeds, cereals and leguminous crops; RN-4M "Atlant" deep loosener for destroying the plow sole, ensuring penetration of moisture and air into deeper layers of soil and creating favorable conditions for the development of the root system of plants; a seeding machine CST-7 "Beta" for batch sowing of seeds of various crops in the plots of preliminary and production variety testing, as well as for conducting agrotechnical experiments; straw shredder "Tornado", representing a line of straw choppers for all brands of domestic combine harvesters and "John Deere" combines.


During the exhibition, the specialists of the plant held meetings with the heads and main specialists of the agro-industrial complex of the Omsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk regions, Altai, Krasnoyarsk territories, other russian regions, Kazakhstan. As a result of work contracts for the sale of equipment worth more than 15 million rubles were signed.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 27 July 2017