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Omsk region reorient exports to the Asia-Pacific Region

Omsk region has taken another step in the expansion of economic ties with China. Last week, on a business trip to the region was visited by a delegation led by Governor Viktor Nazarov. The participants of the talks were representatives of not only government but also business.

Careful attention to China is not accidental. Over the last year the mutual trade turnover has grown by a third, exceeding 58 million dollars a year, but to stop there is not going to Omsk region. Management intends to reorient the region of Omsk exports of goods to Asian markets. And China in this strategic list is in the first place.

"As part of a four-day visit to China, we visited Beijing, Shanghai and Manchuria. Presented the economic and investment potential of Omsk region - in particular, the possibility of agro-industrial complex," Viktor Nazarov said. "And as the Russian food enjoys great demand in China, immediately found understanding. We agreed that in the logistics center of Manchuria, where more than a thousand square meters allocated for the Russian products, give us some space".


It is said that Omsk trip to China took place immediately after the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin's country. Communist Party of China actively supports the partnership between the two countries. Therefore Omsk met, we can say, with open arms. According to Viktor Nazarov, China has included a green light to almost all the proposed projects. In particular, potential partners have shown the possibility of the timber cluster. And, unlike other regions of Siberia, Omsk invited China cooperation in the processing of wood, not arrays of softwood and hardwood. According to experts, it is a birch, regional AAC which gives annually about fourteen million cubic meters, and that's only used by ten percent. Omsk birch tree has special qualities and milky wood, and the competition it has virtually none. Omsk region also offered the Chinese side of the new project for the processing of low liquidity of wood to create the production of particle board (OSB).


It is said that Omsk already have experience of long-term cooperation with China. An example is the company 'Siberian Forest', where the Chinese capital is present since 2009, and the company is developing successfully. Trodden path for other investors.


Presenting the economic potential of Omsk region, Siberian focused foreign partners on free economic niches, as well as measures of state support of entrepreneurs, developed by the regional government.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 12 September 2016