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Omsky Biocluster took part in the VIII Stolypin Conference

July 2017, the Head of Omsky Biocluster's Genetics and Breeding of Cattle Practice Anatoly Shulakov took part in the VIII Stolypin conference 'The economy of the Siberian regions: the choice of priorities' at the invitation of Altai Territory Government. The Stolypin conference is a unique platform for communication between the heads of federal ministries and departments, subjects of the Russian Federation, representatives of science, the public and business community, company leaders, leading experts in various spheres of social and economic development.


Head of Omsky Biocluster's Genetics and Breeding of Cattle Practice, Director General of SIBAGROCOMPLEX Group (member of Omsky Biocluster) Anatoly Shulakov made a presentation 'Cluster approach in creating conditions for effective livestock production in Siberia' (section 'Innovative Development of the agro-industrial complex of the region'). Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agro-Food Policy and Nature Management, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Shchetinin supported the activities of Omsky Biocluster Practice, noting the importance of the development of the Russian agro industry using cluster tools.


After the end of the event, an interested exchange of views took place, in which the leading expert of the Russian cluster observatory Sergey Artemov, Executive Secretary of the Council of the Agro-Industrial Cluster of Kemerovo region Ekaterina Izhmulkina, Director for Acceleration of Projects in the Sphere of Agricultural and Industrial Biotechnologies of the Skolkovo Foundation Roman Kulikov. The participants discussed the main directions of supporting innovative projects in the agro-industrial sector implemented by the Skolkovo Foundation, identifying points of growth in the relationship between regional testing and selection centers, using the example of Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions.


Information: Omsky Biocluster's Genetics and Breeding of Cattle Practice is an expert site on the audit of feeding and care of the herd, selection of genetics and implementation of cattle breeding. Experts of the Practice carry out practical activities to improve the efficiency of the functioning of farms and increase the financial result, first of all, from the available resources. More information about the Practice: https://agrobiocluster.ru/praktika_genetika.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 31 July 2017