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Quarantine weed was found in the seeds of basil

Experts of the Laboratory of Quarantine Phytosanitary Examinations and Surveys of Omsk Reference Center of Rosselkhoznadzor found a harmful weed in a batch of basil seeds.


As a result of herbarological examinations, the seeds of the thin-stalked dodder were found in consignments of seeds of  basil Philosopher.  The seeds of many types of dodder by weight, shape, and often color, are very similar to the seeds of cultivated plants on which they are parasitized. They can only be distinguished by careful examination. Masking of parasite seeds under the seeds of a cultivated plant is the result of parasitic adaptation, which makes it difficult to use conventional methods of seed separation. Experts of Omsk Reference Center can provide expert assistance in the study of inoculum. Information about the results of the examinations of this sample by the specialists of the center was sent to the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor of Omsk region. Recall that this is not the first case of detection of dodder thin-stemmed in the seed material.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 30 March 2017