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Working meeting with Valentina Ivanova

November 17, 2016 the leadership of Omsky Biocluster met with Valentina Ivanova, rector of Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State University of Technology and Management.


The parties considered the directions of development of cluster policy in the territory of the Russian Federation, in particular, in the sphere of food industry development and deep processing of the products of the agro-industrial sector of the country. The parties regard the potential of Russian science as an important component of implementing the policy of import substitution of innovative technologies. The parties agreed to consider prospects for deepening mutual cooperation.


Information. Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State University of Technologies and Management created in 1953 on the basis of correspondence faculty of Moscow Technological Institute of Food Industry. Previously it called All-Union Correspondence Institute of Food Industry (VZIPP), Moscow State Correspondence Institute of Food Industry (MGZIPP), Moscow State Technological Academy (MGTA), since 2004 Moscow State University of Technology and Management (MSUTM). University prepares specialists of economic, technological, mechanical, biological and humanitarian profiles for food and processing industries, enterprises fisheries and public catering. Rector MSUTM is Valentina Ivanova (winner of the Russian Federation Government Prize in Education, a member of the General Council of United Russia, Professor, Doctor of Economics, the proxy of Vladimir Putin).

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 18 November 2016