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Right solution!

Intermediate results of cooperation of Omsky Biocluster with Solyanoe LLC were summed up. Several months have passed since the previous visit, but the results are obvious: the proposals of SIBAGROCOMPLEX Group (member of Omsky Biocluster) to optimize the work of the inseminators have been implemented and have yielded positive results.


Specially designed for heifers machines for artificial insemination outside the milking parlor made it possible to achieve indicators on the effectiveness of using the sexed seed at the level of world standards: 60% of the animals were fertilized after the first insemination. Previously, young animals were stressed, and operators were uncomfortable to work. Now we need to wait for the results on the correlation of bulls and heifers and then it will be possible to consider the experience of using modern technologies of reproduction as successful.


Head of Omsky Biocluster's Genetics and Breeding of Cattle Practice Anatoly Shulakov:

"Experts estimate many parameters, including the appearance of animals. Today the herd of cows in Solyanoe LLC already has a clear differentiation into two fractions: cows of the "old type" are lower, rude, with udder deficiencies, and cows of the "new formation", received from manufacturers with modern genetics - larger, with a well-expressed milky type, an excellent mammary gland and strong limbs. In general, there are no gross defects in physique. The result is an increase in the productivity of livestock and the efficiency of the business model. I want to note the high level of qualification and responsibility of veterinary and zootechnical specialists of Solyanoe LLC, readiness to make contact and listen to the recommendations of consultants."


Director of Solyanoe LLC Viktor Belyovkin gave an assessment of the modernization and reconstruction of the premises:

"Modernization and reconstruction of premises allowed us to make necessary changes in the technology of keeping and milking animals. Spacious and light сowsheds,  maintenance of cows without leash ensures maximum compliance with the physiological needs of cows, therefore reproductive qualities are at a high level - only 4% of problem animals. The room for newborn calves is light, there is no humidity. Infrared lamps are used for local heating, individual boxes are disinfected. Loss of cattle is absent.”


  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 10 March 2017