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Roman Kulikov: Russia can become a leader

Russia still has a chance to take the leading position in the world on the use of scientific achievements in the agro industry, said Roman Kulikov, director of accelerated projects in agro-industrial biotechnology at the Skolkovo Foundation.


According to Roman Kulikov, Russia over the past two or three years of sanctions and counter-practices has learned to produce food. We managed to provide the population with chicken and pork, we are good with grain. But these achievements in terms of the technology used can be compared with the assembly of Volkswagen screwdriver from the ready-made units. "The Russian agro industry is making blanks, but we need to go further, we need to create technologies for deep processing of agricultural products," Roman Kulikov said.


Roman Kulikov told about the start-ups creation:

"As a rule, there are scientists and businessmen in the team who are making a new technology that brings an import-substituting product, and we realized that start-ups should develop in order to buy domestic products instead of imported ones, in cooperation with industrial partners. We selected a little more than ten projects out of 60 projects, and for six months large agroholdings worked with them, checking them on their own chicken coops, pigstories, in laboratories. At the same time, it was found that the quality of our startups is much inferior to world leaders. It takes much more industrial opportunities, time and money to bring the technology to an acceptable level."


The Skolkovo Foundation deals with agrarian subjects and biotechnologies for only a year and a half. To date, there are about a hundred projects related to the sale of food through the Internet, feeding, breeding, vaccines for animals, growing plants, the food industry and the production of bio products.


Within the framework of Omsky Biocluster, StartupAcademia performs the functions of assisting in the structuring of startups, investment projects and in communications with potential investors. For more information on StartUpAcademia: https://en.agrobiocluster.ru/startupacademia.


Based on the materials of ap22.ru.


  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 9 August 2017