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RusAg: more than 70 billion rubles under the preferential loans program

As a result of the first half of 2017, Russian Agricultural Bank (RusAg) provided preferential loans to enterprises of the agro-industrial complex for more than 70 billion rubles at a rate of no more than 5% pa.


More than 2 thousand borrowers from 71 regions of Russia have benefited from the support of RusAg (Omsk branch is member of Omsky Biocluster) within the framework of the preferential loans facility. The applications of RusAg clients for the amount of another 105 billion rubles are currently being approved by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.


RusAg acts as a key financial institution through which a new mechanism is being implemented - the Bank provides the bulk of all extraditions. The funds are provided both for carrying out seasonal works and for investment purposes of agro-enterprises.


Information: Russian Agricultural Bank JSC (RusAg) is the basis of the national credit financial system, specializing in banking services for agricultural sector in Russia. The bank was established in 2000 and is a key creditor of the country’s agribusiness. It ranks among the top major banks of the country in terms of assets and is one of the leaders of the Russian bank reliability rating. 100% of the voting shares of the Bank belong to the Russian Federation.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 18 July 2017