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Russia creates a register of organic certification bodies

The Federal Center for Agricultural Counseling and Retraining of Agroindustrial Complex Staff creates the Russian Register of Certification Bodies for Organic Standards (the  'Development of Organic Agriculture in Russia' Project). The register will include certification bodies that work in accordance with the recently adopted national standards in Russia. Also, the register will include certification bodies for generally accepted international standards for organic products - the EU directives 834/07, 889/08, the USA - NOP.


Specialists of the Federal Center for Agricultural Counseling and Retraining of Agroindustrial Complex Staff note that this organic product has additional quality requirements and a special control system that differs from the traditional one. The label of organic produce must have a special marking, in accordance with the certification system. The marking includes a unique code by which the portal of the certification body can check all information about the product, its status 'organic'. This is a legal guarantee that the inspector of the certifying company has checked all the stages of the production life cycle - from field to counter, including land, seeds, equipment, plant protection products, fertilizers, feed, animal holding conditions, packaging, storage, etc. Based on the inspections, the farmer receives a certificate, which must be confirmed annually.


Information about the certification bodies 'Organic' is included in the register for free.


Source: Press Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 30 June 2017