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StartUpAcademia took part in the U-NOVUS forum in Tomsk

Scientific and technological project session 'Joint initiatives of young scientists and business community as an instrument for implementing the goals of the Strategy of scientific and technological development of Russia and the National Technological Initiative' was held May 17 - 18, 2017 in Tomsk. The event was held jointly with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in the framework of the IV Forum of Young Scientists U-NOVUS. 160 young scientists and specialists from 24 Russian cities took part in the Forum.


The project session was opened with a round table 'The image of technologies and economy 2035: the development of new markets and end-to-end technologies.' Key speakers were Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration for Science and Education Policy Denis Sekirinsky and Deputy Director of the 'Young Professionals' of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Evgeny Kovnir. Participants of the Forum discussed the mechanisms of interaction between science and business necessary for the successful implementation of the priorities of the National Technological Initiative and the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of Russia.


"There is a strategy for Russia's scientific and technological development, and we must think together about the mechanisms for its implementation. There is such a thing as optimizing solutions, any suggestions can be improved. But the basic solution is the most difficult. We can not improve the foundation if it is not there. The result of the collective work of the Forum participants was a basic solution that still requires comprehension, but one can start from it. I am delighted that this team was formed from different cities and organizations in a very short time, the members of the team ensured a well-coordinated work", the Deputy Governor of Tomsk region on the scientific and educational complex and innovation policy, Mikhail Sonkin, shared his opinion.


Omsky Biocluster was presented at the Forum by StartUpAcademia Head Dmitry Algazin (Group "Transition to highly productive and ecologically Agrocomplex and Aquaculture 'FoodNet'). The minimum expected result of innovation is to increase the efficiency of the agricultural and processing industry to 30% by automating processes, reducing environmental risks, improving product quality, developing immuno-biological and pharmacological agents for the whole range of crop production and livestock, and introducing personalized non-invasive selection methods. The maximum program is a non-waste automated agriculture based on renewable energy sources.


Dmitry Algazin:
"Such a project work gives an understanding that it is necessary to independently formulate specific tasks and seek solutions to them. Science and enterprises of the cluster jointly solve real problems, which allows our StartUpAcademia to understand the current and strategic challenges, concentrate efforts on the areas of innovation in demand. This is the guarantee of commercialization of scientific developments of our Start Ups Bank. We are waiting for your letters on startupacademia@agrobiocluster.ru"

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 24 May 2017