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The stage of selection of start-ups for biotechnology was carried out

April 25, 2017 Regional Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists 'Biotechnologies in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine', accredited by Foundation for the Promotion of Innovation as a pre-accelerator of 'UMNIC Program' took place in Scientific Agricultural Library of Omsk State Agrarian University.


The conference was opened by Doctor of Economics, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of Omsk State Agrarian University, Representative of Foundation for the Promotion of Innovations in Omsk Region, Deputy Chairman of Board of Omsky Biocluster Vitaly Aleshchenko. He stressed the importance of holding such events, told about the tasks of the conference and innovations in the grant competition 'UMNIK program'. Maksim Miller, Doctor of Economics, Head of Department of Science and Innovative Technologies of the Ministry of Industry, Transport and Innovative Technologies of Omsk region also addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.


The conference was held in three sections: 'Biotechnology in Agriculture', 'Biotechnology in Industry', 'Biotechnology in Veterinary and Medicine'. The conference was attended by young scientists of higher and secondary educational institutions, research organizations and even schools in Omsk and Tara. Representatives of other russian cities, as well as Bashkortostan and Kazakhstan, took part in the correspondence part of the conference. The winners of the conference were the projects 'Development of a system for influencing the behavior of technological worm species' (Maria Fedosova), 'Justification of the inclusion of spirulina in the technology of processed cheese' (Anna Khoroshavina), 'Development of a device for transpedicular fixation of the spine' (Natalia Shlegel), 'Possibility of using earthworms for bioremediation of soils from heavy metals' (Ivan Reznichenko), 'Development of a carbon sorbent with antibacterial properties modified by lactic acid' (Maria Drozdetskaya). At the closing of event, the participants discussed the results of conference. All participants positively assessed the holding of conference and warm words were sounded to the organizers.


Vitaly Aleshchenko:
"The conference was held, has become a regional platform where scientists and entrepreneurs discussed the projects of young innovators, give them a start in life. The organizers express gratitude to the moderator of the section: Anna Sindireva - Department of Ecology, nature and biology of Omsk State Agrarian University, Doctor of Biological Science, Associate Professor; Janna Gudinova - head of the department of general hygiene, hygiene of children and teenagers of Omsk State Medical University, Dr. medical sciences, Professor; Svetlana Chachina - Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology of Omsk State Technical University, Candidate of Biological Science."


Information: StartUpAcademia is Omsky Biocluster Practice, performing the functions of assisting in the structuring of start-ups, investment projects and communications with potential investors. For more information on StartUpAcademia: http://agrobiocluster.ru/startupacademia, please see the document http://agrobiocluster.ru/dokumenty in the StartUpAcademia section.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 26 April 2017