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The value of wheat continues to fall in Russia

Prices for grain continue to decline in Russia. So, wheat of the third class for a month fell in value by 0,9%, food wheat of the fourth class - by 0,7%, forage wheat - by 0,5%. Such data leads the company Spetstsentruchet v APK.

As of March 6, 2017, wheat of the 3rd class on average in Russia cost 9.64 thousand rubles per ton, which is 8.3% lower than a year ago. Wheat of the 4th class was cheaper than last year's values by 15.1% (its cost was 8.36 thousand rubles per ton), and forage wheat fell in value of 13% (7.85 thousand rubles).


Last week, prices for wheat continued to decline. According to National Union of Grain Producers, it was most noticeable in the Central Federal District, where third-grade wheat fell by 300 rubles, the fourth class dropped by 150 rubles, and the fifth class did not change. In the Urals District, wheat of the third class became cheaper by 150 rubles, the fourth class - remained at the level of last week, and in the fifth class - went up by 100 rubles. In the Siberian region, wheat of the third and fourth grades lowered the price by 150 and 75 rubles respectively, the fifth class did not change in price.


The cost of wheat of all three classes in the Privolzhsky District has not changed in a week. In the southern regions, which supply grain for export, the price of wheat of the third class remained at the level of last week, the fourth class at the same time became cheaper by 25 rubles, and forage wheat fell by 100 rubles per ton.


Source: Publishing House "Sphere".

  • Администрация сайта
  • 20 March 2017