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Turkey resumed imports of Russian grain

Turkey officially resumed imports of russian grain, shipping and contracting began on Monday. Such a statement was made by Turkish Minister of Economy Nihat Zeybekci.


Analysts predict that by the end of the current agricultural year, russian grain exporters will supply about 300,000 tons of wheat to Turkey. Before Turkey introduced duties on the supply of russian grain, the volume of exports was estimated at 600 thousand tons. Since March 15, 2017, Turkey imposed restrictions on the import of russian grain, canceling duty-free treatment for wheat and sunflower meal. This measure was the state's response to the russian ban on imports of tomatoes, which are one of Turkey's largest export items. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed the lifting of reciprocal restrictions on the supply of agricultural products. The leaders of the countries decided to restore the trade relations and remove the restrictions as soon as possible after the joint meeting.


Source: AGRO.RU.

  • Omsky Biocluster Press Service
  • 12 May 2017