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Cattle breeding: an integrated approach is important

The guest of our section: the head of Omsky Biocluster's Genetics and Breeding of Cattle Practice Anatoly SHULAKOV.


- Mr. Shulakov, good afternoon!  


- Good afternoon!


- You implement in Omsky Biocluster (www.agrobiocluster.ru) the direction of work related to genetics and breeding of cattle. Why this direction?


- Cattle breeding is one of the industries that ensure the country's food security, and therefore of strategic importance. It is no accident that the country's leadership has repeatedly demonstrated its awareness of the nuances of the functioning of this field of activity, including artificial insemination, the formation of a domestic breeding base and the growth of the genetic potential of cattle raised on the territory of the country. According to the forecast by the Department of Livestock and Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, by 2020 milk production in the Russian Federation should reach 35.7 million tons, that is, in four years, actually increase by 5 million tons (in relation to 2016). And the main growth is planned for agricultural organizations (+4.6 million tons of milk). And what about the growth of gross production? One way out is the increase in productivity on average per cow. According to plans - up to 6 thousand kg. The average yield of milk in Omsk region in 2016 was about 4.5 thousand kg., even for breeding enterprises - slightly more than 5 thousand kg.


- That is, the federal authorities have established certain indicators for the development of dairy farming: 35.7 million tons by 2020. Is it realistic?


- I think the industry may well reach these figures. There are two ways. The first direction relates to breeding farms - this is the growth of productivity through raising the level of implementation of the already accumulated genetic potential, improving technology and improving the feed base, using improved breeds.

The second way is for everyone else - including commodity herds, small and peasant farms. There is no difference what color a cow is - black, red or speckled - milk is white. The consumer pays not for the color of the cow, but for the quantity and quality of the produce. The way to get a quick result is an industrial crossing of cows of different dairy breeds. In the first generation, we will get explosive growth due to heterosis, as well as early maturity and, as a result, shortening the periods of unproductive animal maintenance, accelerating the payback of the costs of growing, excellent health (that means reducing treatment costs, veterinary care), excellent reproduction, optimal combination quantitative and qualitative indicators of dairy productivity. In the next generation, we change the breed of the producer and support the effect of heterosis. Thus, a specific commodity producer increases the economic efficiency of its own production - reduces costs, increases revenue, and, as a result, receives additional profit. This is a reserve for the development of production, an increase in the salaries of employees, as a result - a positive social effect in a particular village. The increase in the number of effective producers will increase the positive dynamics across the region.


- So, can we do without purchasing new productive cows?


- The acquisition of a highly productive herd is a quick but expensive way. Today every businessman counts money. The main issue is the effectiveness of investment. Implementation of financial costs for technological measures to optimize the maintenance, feeding, insemination, etc. is available to each farm and gives a significant effect.


- If it's that easy, why didn't anyone think of it before?


- I can answer - I'm not the pioneer. Omsk region in the middle of the last century had results in crossing - when the red steppe cows were covered with black and motley breed bulls. An excellent effect on milk yield was observed already in the first generation compared to conventional cows. The effect was further reduced, now milk yield in the best farms is at the same level. In addition, in Omsk region the notion of 'zoning cows' breeds' was expressed in the fact that only a black and motley breed can be breeded on one bank of Irtysh River, only the red steppe on the other bank of the river, other variants did not exist. Now every owner has the right to decide that in priority - continue to breed the inherited breed (which I myself often have doubts - bulls of 5-6 different breeds were used as a source of cross-breeding in the herd) in order to obtain the status of a breeding farm and possible state subsidies, or work for real profits, using the most effective animals.

Of course, there is an option to improve the commodity herd by eliminating its worst cows and replacing them with pedigree animals purchased from breeding farms that have a higher genetic potential for productivity. A low level of reproduction in our breeding farms, combined with a short period of economic use of cows, makes it difficult to maintain their own herd. There is no selection. This is problem. Despite the requirements to organizations for breeding livestock for the annual implementation of young animals at a level of at least 10% of the breeding stock, in reality, these indicators are unattainable. The needs for pedigree cattle in large and small farms are much higher. Therefore, despite the attractiveness of this way, the implementation is still under big question.


- Do I understand correctly that a separate implementation of activities on genetics and animal care is not effective?


- The result is positive, but only a comprehensive approach shows the effectiveness of the financial model of investment in improving livestock. Genetics and breeding are the basis for the future, this is the potential that must be laid for the future. Today, it is possible, through artificial insemination, to use the best world achievements in this field, using the seed of the top producers. But the available opportunities are realized in the existing conditions, and if the conditions do not correspond to the needs, either we do not receive the expected, or we lose the animal that could not withstand the 'overloa'. On the other hand, investments in the construction of modern complexes, the purchase of feed additives and forage harvesting equipment, the creation of ideal conditions for cows that are unable to give more than 4.5 thousand kg of milk, will have a negative result due to exceeding costs over income. So a farmer in сattle breeding should always take into account the balance, the interaction between the genotype and the environment, otherwise you can not compete in the market.


- Mr. Shulakov, are there any human resources to carry out the assigned tasks?


- Efficiency depends entirely on the level of qualification of veterinary specialists working in the farms. Unfortunately, experts note that the current level of training of graduates of educational institutions is low. The reason is simple - practical training in real conditions is reduced to a minimum. As a result, such specialists have to be taught anew. The second category is specialists who have worked for dozens of years or 'self-taught', appointed to the position due to the lack of graduates. These people have a very narrow set of knowledge and skills that are outdated or in need of substantial adjustment. Therefore, the issue of training and raising the qualifications of operators for artificial insemination, veterinary specialists, livestock experts, breeders is always relevant. It is very important to invite not only theoreticians but also the best specialists who have an extensive practical, in most cases, international experience, possessing the most up-to-date knowledge, oriented in the current trends in the field of cattle breeding, who possess classical and modern methods, using modern equipment and software. A theory without practice and vice versa cannot exist. This is the only way to interest and keep young people, to stimulate interest in the profession from experienced professionals, to support the prestige of professions related to livestock. The slogan 'Staff decide everything!' never loses its relevance.


- Is the Genetics and Breeding of Cattle Practice a platform for discussions?


- Including. But, first of all, this is the practical activity of our experts in order to improve the efficiency of the economy and increase the financial result, mainly due to available resources. Orientation to the final financial result and an integrated approach to solving the tasks set will allow to achieve the planned indicators and fulfill the order of the Government to ensure the country's food security. Our experts are invited to farms, we do an audit, give specific recommendations on technological measures and are responsible for a specific financial result. Every owner today considers money, he does not need abstract recommendations, but a financial result.


- Mr. Shulakov, thank you for the interview! Let's wish tasty and affordable dairy products!


- Thank you.


Omsky Biocluster Press Secretary Ravshana Balloyeva



  • Администрация сайта
  • 10 April 2017